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This event was conceived and organized by a licensed social worker who realized that far too many people live with conditions that can be helped — or even cured — with medicinal cannabis. The more she researched the issue, the more she discovered that one of the main reasons people avoid medical cannabis is the STIGMA associated with using this natural treatment. Many individuals simply think that cannabis is just "for stoners," and worry that they will be labeled as such if they use it to treat their depression, PTSD, pain, or even cancer.


This event aims to EDUCATE and SILENCE THE STIGMA surrounding the use of cannabis, in a legal and sensible way, to heal those who have legitimate, medical conditions. You may be surprised just how many conditions are approved for this treatment in Illinois, and we have no doubt that many more will be added as scientific research continues.

This event would not be happening were it not for the gracious and kind assistance of organizations like SSDP, The AMPLIFY Project, Illinois Women in Cannabis, and the Illinois Chapter of NORML. There are also many individuals who have selflessly given their time and talent to make it happen.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH to everyone who helped, and everyone who will attend!

(By the way... that social worker who created this event? She's a medical cannabis user herself!)

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